Walnut Gouda Bread
The 40% rye sourdough from the last bake was so flavorful that I was inspired to make more rye bread. It was also a good opportunity to use up some Gouda cheese. For this bake, I made up a rye starter using 500g of Organic Rye flour. I used up the 2kg of Pilsbury Maida which I picked up on my way home on Friday. After making the mistake of using too much water in my last bake, I reduced the hydration this time round to 68%.
The walnuts and cheese were folded in before the bulk fermentation. During the shaping of the loaves, I added in the remaining cheese. I decided on a batard shape as I wanted to cram it in a single bake.
The smell was heavenly and I am looking forward for a bite as soon as they cool down.