Thursday, October 19, 2017

Portulaca Grandiflora

The pretty Portulacas are doing spectacularly well in the sunshine. With water from the fish tank and some pest control, they are blooming beautifully.

They were constantly infested with Mealy bugs. Spraying them wasn't effective as they had a white waxy coat. I found that dabbing them with turpentine worked as the solvent dissolved the waxy protective coating.

Fruiting season

The Passionfruit vines grown from seed are finally bearing flowers in the front yard. Draped on the front wall, they look very attractive. They started fruiting after I hand pollinated them.

The Bittergourd in the backyard have finally sprouted delicate yellow flowers. Small butterflies have been pollinating the flowers and the gourds appeared.

 Staple Walnut Bread 1kg All purpose flour 800g Water 3 tsp salt 3 tsp yeast Bowl of walnuts Makes two large loaves Mix dry ingredients and ...